London Retreat

A 7 day retreat which combines the exploration of the energetic hotspots of the Western Chakra System of London with western chakras within yourself

About our
London retreat

This unique and fascinating journey is for those who wish to understand how their vision works in the universe as well as on Earth. It is perfect for those who also want to explore the sacred energies of London and how modern consciousness was born.

Energy Transformation

The Western Chakra program is explored using both meditation (we call it focus on energy) and by exploring the same chakra energy spots in London. This means over 7 days, the making of you in your totality is explored physically within a group and also using very special energy spots in central London, the significance of which are not generally known to people. The course starts on a Saturday and runs daily to the following Friday. This journey starts with exploring your physical relationship with humanity using the human energy spot and reveals your commitment to human evolution. This includes why you are here and what you are striving for. From this, the next energy spot explores your expansion, an investigation to the ‘outer you’. This takes you next to the power energy spot, which reflects the making of your will and what you stand for. The road to Total You then truly begins with exploring the circle energy spot of your heart with all the karma that lurks within what is the point to your life: what you are undoing as well as meant to do.

From your heart, you next speak the words of your higher creativity and the freedom that comes with what you are meant to voice. This extends to what you are truly meant to focus on by opening your third eye. This can only be achieved by using the equipment that you carry in your head, which humanity rarely does or can do these days. This is a profound achievement that Total You is designed to help with so you can transcend into new realities. Finally, you make the step to discover the new. Your task is to take this to Earth for humanity so it can also play out in your life.


This Program reveals only a small part of your perception operates in the physical world. Why not discover the rest?


This program is to climb the ladder to infinity by dematerialising, which is to come out of physical constraints. Fear tends to be the main factor to these constraints and this keeps us earthbound and stops us exploring what is possible. An exchange of consciousness happens when the new reality is explored and we adjust, which re-writes the script down here on Earth. This enables us to bring success to everything we are meant to achieve, as to our agreement. Contained within this agreement is our happiness, so we may have to challenge what we think makes us happy.


Many people can get stuck or have no idea as to what is possible in their life because they have lost sight of their Total You. This is because they have lost the connection with the invisible aspects of themselves. Some achieve much in life, as deemed by society, but lack a sense of personal fulfilment. Something very important seems to be lacking. Exploring the truth of reality will reconnect the flow that all possibility should have.


We all have an innate ability to unite every aspect of ourselves, although we don’t do this and deny living our life with a higher perception in the way we are meant to. Total You has been helping people make the ‘jump’ into this completeness successfully for 20 years and continues to attract people who are looking to sit with the ‘new’ and explore what they need to bring in in order to fulfil their destiny. 

Your lower self

is explored first

To be in physicality is to commit to your life. How ready are you to accomplish what you are here to do? 

Your emotional stability and desires may be holding you back. Are they running your life?

Identity is imperative to what you can achieve, as you need to be you. Therefore the strength of your will is very important. There is a big step to be made from lower to higher self and your heart is the route to this jump. Many people trip up here as the heart is a very mysterious place and needs much attention to navigate to the higher part of yourself. 

Your higher self

takes you out of the physical

To embrace your higher self you need to ground yourself in the non-physical world as much as the physical. Many people fear this invisibility but the more things become clearer through a new vision, the greater the conscious expansion. This comes through questioning reality and exploring what you didn’t know existed.

To become secure in the non-physical world is formed around how you deal with the truth of this new reality. This new vision is a looking glass into a higher consciousness, absorbed from the non-physical world into the physical one. The consequence of this is life-changing.